Traktor™ is one of the most advanced and widely used DJing software. Artists as diverse as Richie Hawtin and DJ Shiftee use it creatively to forge their own style. We are very proud that our Traktor™ instructor (Swim the Shine) was recently invited to Budapest, Hungary to hold a 2-day workshop at the local The Audio-Visual Open Studios (AVOS). This workshop covered a wide range of topics from the basic features of operation up to the more advance aspects with plenty of time reserved for hands on practice and experimentation. Not only that, but Swim the Shine even played a gig while in Budapest at the famous bath party (
Soon we'll be hosting Traktor™ workshop in London studio as well!!! Watch this space if you are interested.....
Written by 'Become A DJ'
Ladies and gentleman, let the show begin! Delighted, thrilled, and excited to announce our newest addition to the Become A DJ arsenal - the Music Production Course. It is designed for those who have a heart for creating music and want to learn to do it with the powerful Ableton Live 9. You know, master the tricks of the platform, pick the brains of our talented music production instructor... OK, on to the specifics. The course will jump start on February 16th with an ‘Introduction to Ableton Live 9’ workshop - the first of our regular introductory workshops that we plan to give monthly. During the 3hr session the students will get a fantastic opportunity to get to know the platform and even start making their own music right there on the spot. Awesome! The session will help the undecided to answer two very important questions: is it for me? and if it is which of the two options should I choose? The two options being: Music Production with Ableton Live 9 Course or a Custom Ableton Live 9 Course (Dj and Live Performance). The price? £30 for 3 hours, a proper bargain! For more information about the Workshop and to book your spot click here.