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These Terms & Conditions will describe general rules applied through our Courses. By visiting our website the students (Users) are deemed to have read, understood and agreed to the Terms and Conditions.



We have three options for the students: Full DJ Course, Custom DJ Course, and Beginners DJ Course. The course is divided into sessions. The length of each individual session is 2 hours; the student has the right to use the session in its full length. The session is being taught on one-to-one basis. The student can take a course at his or her own pace.



An individual can purchase DJ Practice hours at Become A DJ. By purchasing the practice time the individual agrees with the following terms & conditions.



We aim to create a pleasant and safe environment for the students; our tutors will act in the most professional manner ensuring the health & safety of the students. We will refuse to teach any student under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In this case we will be obliged to inform the parents or guardians of the student immediately. We may cancel the course or session without a prior notice if the student abuses the equipment and/or the tutor; the deposit will not be refunded in this case.



At Become  A DJ we will require all students under the age of 16 to provide contact information and a written consent from their parents or guardians. We do advise to arrange the payments by bank transfer in this case.



We require of our students to treat the equipment with caution and according tutor's instruction. Any intentional breakage or damage caused by the student will have to be covered for by the student. It is our obligation to keep the equipment up to the standards for every session.



When enrolling into Full DJ Course or taking up one of the Level Courses, the student will be required to pay a non-refundable deposit equal to last sessions fee. The deposit will have to be paid during the first session of the course together with the first session fee. In an event of cancellation or student’s absence without prior notification for 30 consecutive days BECOME A DJ has the right to cancel the course and keep the deposit.



BECOME A DJ is obliged to provide the students with a flexible attendance schedule, however our course works on availability basis and we cannot guarantee a same day booking or any booking for a specific time and date. The student must inform the tutor about his or her intention to cancel a session at least 5 hours prior to the session (except in emergency situations). In case of multiple unnotified cancellations we may cancel the entire course with a prior warning. A failure to attend the session for 30 consecutive days will be considered as intentional neglect and we will cancel the course and keep the deposit.



The fees are to be paid in Pound Sterling; BECOME A DJ is entitled to change the prices without prior notification.



The logo, graphic, visuals, textual information is intellectual property of BECOME A DJ Ltd and cannot be used or distributed without a prior written consent by BECOME A DJ Ltd.



We are obliged to keep the personal data of our students safe and not to share the information of our students with any thids parties.